What is a Lottery?


A lottery is a game where numbers are drawn to determine a winner. Prizes can be money, goods or services. In some cases, the proceeds from a lottery are donated to good causes. The game is popular in many countries of the world. It is also used to promote a particular product or service. Typically, lottery games are administered by governments.

Lottery has been around for thousands of years, and its roots are in the ancient Chinese Han dynasty (2nd millennium BC). In modern times, it is common to use lotteries as a form of public entertainment, to raise funds for things like education and parks. However, some people still believe that the lottery is a form of gambling and that it has negative consequences for society.

In the short story The Lottery, Shirley Jackson describes an unassuming village that holds its annual lottery on June 27th. The story starts by portraying the individual members of the community assembling in the square. The children begin making heaps of stones and the men unobtrusively joke with each other. The conductor of the lottery, Mr. Summers, arrives in the square conveying a dark wooden box.

The story reveals that when it comes to the stoning of Tessie Hutchinson, the community does not show any sense of morality or loyalty towards her. The characters in the story exemplify how human nature is weak and corrupt, even when faced with the threat of death.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa