The World’s Most Expensive Casinos

From Las Vegas to China, Monaco to Singapore, these luxurious casinos take high stakes to the next level of luxury, combining opulent hotel suites and spas with roulette wheels and blackjack tables. From the infamous Monte Carlo to the latest incarnation of the Wynn resort in Macau, these behemoths have something for everyone, whether they’re into poker, sports betting or the classics like roulette and craps.

A casino or gambling house is an establishment that offers certain types of gambling activities. The term is most often used to refer to a full-scale operational casino, but it can also encompass smaller venues that host gambling events, such as private parties and charity fundraisers. Regardless of size, all casinos offer an element of luck and chance to attract customers, with most games having mathematically determined odds that give the house an edge over the players.

Most people associate casinos with gambling meccas like Las Vegas and Atlantic City, but there are plenty of more obscure ones out there. The largest land-based casino in the United States is actually located in Thackerville, Oklahoma—a town of barely over 400 residents that’s better known for Woody Guthrie and chicken fried steak. And while Winstar World Casino is often cited as the biggest casino in the world, that’s only true if you include the entire compound and not just the gaming area. The most prestigious casinos blend ultra-modern and palatial with an incredibly diverse offering of live entertainment. From famous Vegas residencies to high-flying circus acts and top-billed musicians topping the Billboard charts, these casinos offer something for all tastes and budgets.

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